Seehotel Rust Goose season

Goose brunch on October 6, 2024

Seasonal salad buffet | freshly baked pastries


Smoked duck breast – Waldorf salad | smoked salmon tartare – guacamole – crème fraiche Spicy glass noodle salad – prawns | hummus – quinoa – beet | roast beef – roasted pumpkin Goat’s cheese mousse – pumpkin chutney | antipasti | pastries


Goose soup – Vegetable cream of pumpkin soup – Puff pastries


Freshly sliced: Roasted goose – orange glaze From the buffet: Catfish fillet baked in sesame crumbs | Pork fillet – bacon coating | Venison ragout – cranberries Ricotta ravioli – edible mushrooms | Crispy roasted corn-fed chicken breast – prunes | Spinach and mountain cheese dumplings – brown butter


Fried potato roulade | herb rice | parsley spaetzle | red cabbage | steak fries | pan-fried vegetables


Chestnut tart | pyre | hazelnut tiramisu Red wine and pear cake | chocolate mousse | pumpkin and poppy seed strudel | fruit salad


Cheese from Austria


Start 12:00 Price per person € 43,00 incl. aperitif
Aperitif Children up to 5 years free | 6 to 13 years € 3,00/year Table reservation under 02685/381-0 or


Our next brunch dates October 27, 2024 November 24, 2024Sunday brunch highlights
November 10, 2024 – Martinibrunch December 25, 2024 – Christmas brunch December 26, 2024 – Christmas brunch


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